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3 convenient packages to choose from...
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   Classic -

This is the best value membership. Just £35 to send 10 'personalised messages' to any member, and 'express interests' to any 10 members! You can contact 20 members with this membership.

   Silver -

Best seller in the list. Just £60 to send 25 'personalised messages' to any member, and 'express interests' to any 25 members. You can contact 50 members with this membership.

   Gold -

Just £100 to send 50 'personalised messages' to any member, and 'express interests' to any 50 members. You can contact 100 members with this membership.

Please click here for other payment method

Once you decide on the Membership type that you wish to signup for, select the value in the drop down below and click 'Buy Now' button. You will re-directed securely to PayPal site, where you can buy using your debit/credit card information. Be rest assured, your card details will not be visible to us or anyone else as the payment will be directly handled by PayPal, the leading online payment system.

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